I'm Dr Jen Nesbitt-Hawes
As a pet professional, I know how important it is to build a great relationship between every dog or cat and their person. We do that best by teaching their people to understand them.
But pet professionals are busy, and don't have the time and energy to create their own handouts and videos to make sure that people get all the information they need. That's where I come in! I create educational materials, and tailor them to your business. So you can be confident you are giving the best, up-to-date, behaviour information to your clients.

The Origin Story
Pet Perspective products are used by pet professionals worldwide:


Puppy classes and consultations were some of my favourite parts of being a vet. But I had so much I wanted to tell people about their puppy and not enough time to do it. I needed more resources - handouts, videos, books - to share all my knowledge with them. Nothing I found had all of the information I wanted to share with my clients, exactly the way I wanted to present it.
So I wrote my own handouts. These were so popular I was soon being approached by vet clinics to write their Puppy Notes for them. So I wrote even more. Eventually, this evolved into the comprehensive guide that is The Puppy Manual. But that wasn't the end of the story - trainers asked me to complement the written information with short videos. So I created those. Another colleague said she loved the videos but her clients spoke Dutch... so now you'll find subtitles in Dutch and Spanish!
Now I provide a complete range of client information about puppies and kittens, utilised by pet professionals around the world. There's a Puppy School Instructors' Course, perfect for those wanting to know exactly how to start those puppies (and their people) off right. There's The Puppy Manual and it's counterpart The Kitten Manual , tailored and adapted to suit each individual or business. Client information is complemented by a totally different media format with The Puppy Video Course.

Dr Jen Nesbitt-Hawes BVSc (Hons) MVSt (Wild Med) MANZCVS (Vet Behaviour)
My veterinary career has lead me around the world, from mixed paractice in rural Queensland, to locuming in London, game capture in South Africa, to researching orangutans in the jungles of Sumatra.

Animal behavioural science has been an inspiration for me since my first Behaviour project at Sydney University: Teaching a Ball Balance with seals at Taronga Zoo. Learning about shaping a behaviour chain using positive reinforcement was a powerful demonstration to me of what was possible!
I started running puppy schools in 2002, have competed in agility trials, and have been totally hooked on conferences from both the training and veterinary behaviour perspective.
In 2013 I had the wonderful oppoprtunity to attend the Natural Encounters Contemporary Animal Training and Management Workshop in Florida USA. If you love behaviour: do this course!
In 2014, I was accepted as a Member of the Behaviour Chapter of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Science by examination (one of less than 100 Behaviour Veterinarians in Australia/New Zealand with this qualification). This makes me a behaviour vet (not a specialist!). In 2015-2016, I served as the Behaviour Chapter President.
Photo by Steve Martin of Natural Encounters, Inc.
I love sharing knowledge! I've presented, written articles and exhibited for many publications and groups including: ANZCVS Science Week, PPGA webinars, AVBIG webinars, APDT conferences, GeekWeek, Animal Care Australia Magazine and many private veterinary clinics. I also help moderate an international Facebook forum: the Behavioral Medicine Discussion Group.
2001 - Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Hons) Sydney University
2003 - CVE Postgraduate course in Veterinary Behaviour
2009 - Masters in Conservation Medicine Murdoch University
2014 - Low Stress Handling Certification
2014 - Membership of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists Behaviour Chapter (by examination)
MANZCVS: Member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists Behaviour Chapter
APDT: Association of Pet Dog Trainers
PPGA: Pet Professionals Guild Australia
Continuing Education
To keep up with scientific advances in the field of behavioural science, and ensure Pet Perspective always provides the most up-to-date information, I love my continuing education. I love listening to Animal Training Academy podcasts. In fact, I'm a bit of a conference addict!
2024 - Choice and Control in Animal Learning - Dr Susan Friedman and Ken Ramirez - Live from the Ranch accessed on YouTube
- ANZCVS Science Week - Gold Coast - Dr Helen Zulch
- PPGA conference - Sydney- Dr Zazie Todd, Dr Robert Hewings, Barbara Buchmayer, et al
- The First 18 weeks - Dr Jacqui Ley ANZCVS Vet Behaviour Chapter Webinar
- Dog Behavior Conference (Victoria Stilwell Academy) Michael Shikashio, Irith Bloom, Dr Daniel Mills
2023 - Dog Behavior Conference (Victoria Stilwell Academy)
- APDT conference Pokolbin, Hunter Valley NSW (Attendee and Presenter)
2022 - Aggression - Why Does it Happen? CVE Webinar Dr Sally Nixon
- The Vet Expo (Sydney)
2021 - Geek Week 2021 PPG/PPGA/PPGBI/APDT International Online Conference
- CVE Conference: What's behaviour got to do with it?
(Dr Gonçalo da Graça Pereira, Dr Kersti Seksel, et al)
- Pain and Behaviour CVE Webinar (Dr Sarah Heath)
2020 - Geek Week PPGA International Online ConferencePets and the Pandemic CVE webinar (Dr Gonçalo da Graça Pereira)
2019 - APDT Conference Pokolbin (Ken Ramirez, Peta Clarke, et al)
- Developing Emotional Intelligence in Puppies (Dr Sarah Heath)
- Learning about Learning (Dr Susan Friedman, Peta Clarke)
- Emotional Health and the Vet Practice (Dr Sarah Heath)
- Delta Institute Dog Behaviour Conference: Exploring the Relevance of Dog Emotional Health in Training (Dr Sarah Heath, Dr Gaille Perry, Natalie Watson)
2018 - PPGA Australian summit (Chirag Patel, Kathy Sdao, Dr Kat Gregory)
- Puppy School online webinar series Royal Canin (Dr Kersti Seksel, Dr Jess Beer)
2017 - ANZCVS Science Week Behaviour stream (Dr Gary Landsberg et al)