When will the next update be released?
The Puppy Manual prides itself on providing up-to-date advice to your clients - so every couple of years we release an official update! Both The Puppy Manual and The Kitten Manual had their last official updates in June 2021... so guess what's around the corner?!
Order now and be assured that your clients receive the latest, up-to-date information on puppy and kitten behaviour, training and health.
The 2021 edition updates contain:
A Pandemic Puppies supplement including:
Socialisation tips
Preparing for alone time
Updated advice on desexing/neutering dogs
Advice on adolesence and behaviour changes to watch for
General small edits and changes to The Puppy Manual, to improve accuracy, readability and style
If you purchased prior to 2019, your update will also include:
The 2019 addition - a new chapter on Kids and Dogs! This includes:
Setting house-rules to keep kids and dogs safe and happy
When and how to greet an unfamiliar dog
Be a Tree for kids
The Puppy Manual undergoes constant review, as changes in our knowledge progress. Information comes from publications, conferences and seminars, as well as through collaboration with the knowledgable trainers and veterinarians who review and edit their own copies of the document. The number of smaller edits and corrections builds up over time, so you'll find the number of these will vary depending how long ago you bought your Puppy Manual.
As your Puppy Manual is tailored to you, all your previous changes and edits will be transferred to your updated Puppy Manual. When you receive your update, you'll also have the opportunity to review your document and make further edits as well.
The 2021 Puppy Manual Update is AUD$125, for the document provided to your business as a pdf file. The copyright permissions will remain the same, depending on whether you previously purchased the Standard or Extended License. If you decide to upgrade from a Standard to Extended License you will receive the updated version included in the price (save $125)!
What's new in the 2021 edition? A great deal!
A new section on Healthcare, containing advice on:
A new section on Troubleshooting including
General information on how to solve problem behaviours
Specific advice on curtain climbing, scratching furniture, unwanted sneak attacks on ankles, and waking owners up for food!
​General small edits and changes to improve accuracy, readability and style
1. Request an invoice
Choose whether you'd like to purchase an update, or whether you'd prefer to upgrade to the Extended License and receive the latest update for free.
2. Payment
You can pay using PayPal, or direct deposit.
3. Receive your updated version of the Puppy and/or Kitten Manual pdf. Do a little happy dance!
4. Make it yours!
Read your copy and take the opportunity to send me any further edits. I will make the changes (as long as they fit with a force free philosophy), then send you your finalised pdf.
5. Use it!
Print your very own Manual as an entire document for new puppy or kitten owners, or print out sections to use as behavioural handouts. Extended License holders have permission to share electronically with individual clients.
The Kitten Manual undergoes constant review, as changes in our knowledge progress. Information comes from publications, conferences and seminars, as well as through collaboration with the knowledgable trainers and veterinarians who review and edit their own copies of the document. The number of smaller edits and corrections builds up over time, so you'll find the number of these will vary depending how long ago you bought your Kitten Manual.
As your Kitten Manual is tailored to you, all your previous changes and edits will be transferred to your updated Kitten Manual. When you receive your update, you'll also have the opportunity to review your document and make further edits as well.
The 2021 Kitten Manual Update is AUD$125, for the document provided to your business as a pdf file. The copyright permissions will remain the same, depending on whether you previously purchased the Standard or Extended License. If you decide to upgrade from a Standard to Extended License you will receive the updated version included in the price (save $125)!
By purchasing an update to The Puppy Manual or The Kitten Manual, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. Pet Perspective maintains a force-free philosophy, using positive reinforcement methods to help pets and their people. When editing or utilising Pet Perspective products, behavioural advice must be in keeping with this philosophy.
2. a) STANDARD LICENSE: You will hold ongoing copyright permission to distribute printed copies of the entire document, or printed selections to use as handouts. You may not distribute the digital version of the manual, or its contents.
b) EXTENDED LICENSE: You will hold ongoing copyright permission to distribute both printed and/or digital copies of the entire document, or selections to use as handouts, to your own clients. You may share either via print OR electronically to individual clients (i.e. by email, private link, or dropbox invitation). You may not make any part of the digital version of the document available for access by the general public.
3. You may not onsell The Manuals in any form, to any third party.
4. Editing the document is encouraged, however in order to protect the integrity of the document, all edits to the The Puppy Manual or The Kitten Manual must be approved by Dr Jen Nesbitt-Hawes. You may not edit or make additions to the document without permission.